Repent or Perish


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Repent or Perish (0 Units)



Keith Linhardt & Randy Gruber



5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″

Our Journey into the heart of God began with the courseDivine vs. Natural Viewpoint. It taught us a truth which is key to begin one’s journey, that is, God and man do not think alike. The critical difference is that God has Christ central to His thoughts and ways, but man excludes God and His Christ from his thinking. Man’s thoughts are in opposition to God’s thoughts and, therefore, God is walking one way and man is walking another.

Our journey now seamlessly continues with the truth of repentance, which is a change of mind. If God and man are going to walk together, that is, enjoy a relationship with one another, someone must change. Since God is perfect, guess who must change? We must change.

Sadly, today, many see no need for this change and, therefore, no need for Christ because they are not being taught that they are wicked to their very core. So if they are told that they must be saved, they may ask this very valid question, “Saved from what?” This course will show that it has always been God’s way to first show men their sin and guilt to prepare them to hear the gospel. It will also show that men must repent or they will perish as well as how repentance fits into the scheme of gospel preaching.


Repent or Perish is a result of the teaching ministry of Randy Gruber at the Potosi Correctional Centre Prison Fellowship Bible Study in Missouri. His students have produced this course to pass on what they have learned to good and faithful men who will in turn be able to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2).



Lesson 1  Repent or Perish

Lesson 2  Man’s Proper Diagnosis

Lesson 3  Man by Nature Is Sinful

Lesson 4  God by Nature Is Holy and Just

Lesson 5  What Is Repentance?

Lesson 6  John and Jesus Preached Repentance

Lesson 7  Peter and Paul Preached Repentance

Lesson 8  Repentance Is Particular

Lesson 9  A Deeper Repentance Follows Faith

Lesson 10  Repentance Must Continue After Conversion

Lesson 11  The Mere Appearance of Repentance

Lesson 12  A Portrait of Repentance