Normal office hours are 10 am - 4.00 pm, but we are always "OPEN" online.
You can use e-mail to contact us or to order. You may also order online direct from our Bookstore on this website.
You may also call the office number (705-544-2126) and leave a voicemail.
Interested in pursuing a diploma in Biblical Studies? We offer a number diplomas and certificates in Biblical studies. Click below to explore options. ⬇️
Check out our Bookstore for courses on books of the Old & New Testament, Bible Doctrines, and how to live the Christian life. We also offer group study guides with discussion questions.
Click below! 😊 ⬇️

Testimony from an Emmaus student: “The more I learn of the Bible by doing Emmaus courses, the more my love for Jesus grows and my faith gets deeper every day.”

Why should you consider using Emmaus Bible study courses? Click on the white triangle arrow above for a short, animated video presentation

About Us
Welcome to Emmaus Correspondence Centre Canada! We exist to teach and spread the Word of God through correspondence courses and other materials.

Find out more about distance learning programs.

Our Bookstore
We provide Bible courses, books & booklets in a number of languages. Visit our bookstore for more information.

For Kids
For kids of all ages!! We are excited to provide the Emmaus Postal Bible studies for kids from 4 yrs old!
Our Bookstore
Books, Study Material and More
We provide books in a number of languages. Visit our bookstore for more information.

Emmaus Correspondence Centre Canada exists to teach and spread the Word of God through correspondence courses and other materials. The courses are designed to be evangelical, educational and edifying in nature and consistent with the Emmaus Correspondence Centre Canada doctrinal statement of faith.
What a great statement from one of our Diploma students: “We sometimes think that things are falling apart, whereas in God’s plan they are just falling into place” 🙂
A practical application from a diligent student:
How does this course affect your perspective of or feelings towards God, yourself, or others? It reminds me of Gods unfailing love for me. That I must submit to His ways and even when I make mistakes that I can confess my sin and be made new again.
It brings to mind how my actions daily affect myself and others and it has made me examine better ways to treat people with love and respect as God commands.
To practice humility and gratitude more on my life daily
It makes me want to be a shining light of Gods glory and the gift of forgiveness I have received. To be an attraction to unbelievers so that they may want what I have.