Edition: AK ’19
Units: 1
Pages: 136
Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″
ISBN#: 978-1-59387-292-2
Format: Paperback
People of all ages love tales of romance and rescue, stories with happy endings, plots where good wins over evil. The ancient writings of the prophets tell the original story of romance and rescue—where good puts down evil in a most unexpected way. The old, old story with its grand characters and epic plots is about a King and His secret plan to rescue His rebellious subjects from the kingdom of darkness and make them fit to live with Him in His kingdom of light. Experience the story. Encounter the King. And decide.
Lesson 1 – The King
Lesson 2 – The Creator and His Creation
Lesson 3 – Evil’s Entrance
Lesson 4 – Sin’s Curse and God’s Promise
Lesson 5 – The Way of the Sacrifice
Lesson 6 – Man’s Rebellion and God’s Faithfulness
Lesson 7 – God’s Plan Advances
Lesson 8 – The Law and The Prophets
Lesson 9 – The King’s Entrance
Lesson 10 – The King’s Character
Lesson 11 – The King’s Dominion
Lesson 12 – The King’s Mission
Lesson 13 – The King’s Submissions
Lesson 14 – The King’s Sacrifice and Triumph
Lesson 15 – The King’s Gospel and Glory
Bonus Material: The Message in the Story
Paul D. Bramsen has spent much of his life in Senegal, a majority-Muslim nation on the edge of the Sahara. His writings flow from a passion for the Scriptures and from thousands of dialogues with Muslim neighbors ad contacts in Senegal and around the world. Bramsen is the author of the 100-episode radio series THE WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, the book ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE, the booklet YOUR STORY, and the illustrated book KING OF GLORY. Working with a small team over a period of nearly four years, his most recent project has been to see the KING of GLORY book turned into a movie. http://king-of-glory.com Paul is president of ROCK International (Relief, Opportunity, and Care for Kids / Resources of Crucial Knowledge). http://rockintl.org He and his wife are based in South Carolina.
Edition: AK ’19
Units: 1
Pages: 136
Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″
ISBN#: 978-1-59387-292-2
Format: Paperback
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