Jeremiah was one of the greatest prophets of the Bible. God called him when he was a young man, and he obeyed the Lord and wrote prophecies as he was guided by the Spirit of God. Jeremiah’s name may mean “Exalt Jehovah”, and he certainly did that in both Jeremiah and Lamentations.
Jeremiah, Prophet of God – Part 1 covers the first 20 chapters of Jeremiah. Jeremiah first tells how God called him to be a prophet, and then he gives 8 messages or prophecies God gave him to pass on to His people and to the kings of Judah.
Jeremiah has many great lessons to teach us about God’s love and righteousness. These lessons will help us live for the Lord today.
Jeremiah was a prophet of God who lived in Jerusalem during the saddest event in the Old Testament. The LORD had chosen Jerusalem, and His people built His temple there. But they chose to worship false gods, and Jeremiah protested against their sins. Finally, God sent the armies of Babylon to destroy His city and His temple.
Who was this Jeremiah? His name may mean Exalt Jehovah, and he certainly did that in both of his books. The Holy Spirit led Jeremiah to use the name Jehovah or LORD 712 times in his prophecy and 32 more times in the book of Lamentations. Jeremiah also tells us a good deal about himself, more than any other Old Testament prophet does. So his book includes prophecy and history.
Jeremiah did not write his book as history with the events of one year following another as things really happened. He lived and prophesied and wrote while five different kings ruled on the throne of Judah, one after another. The books of Kings and Chronicles tell us what happened to each king in order. Jeremiah does not do this – he puts things together for different reasons.
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