Genesis 1-12 In the Beginning


Godā€™s revelation to humanity begins with the book of Genesis, which means that the importance of Genesis for us can hardly be overstated. It contains the truth about the origin of all things and is the key to understanding all that has happened in the subsequent history of the world. But more than that, it provides a foundation for all the great truth about God and His ways that are progressively revealed in the Bible. Genesis helps us to understand the meaning of history, and in particular, of Godā€™s purposes that are being worked out, especially in His relationship to people.

Edition: AK ’20
Pages: 182
Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″
ISBN#: 978-1-59387-498-8
Format: Paperback


Lesson 1 ā€“ The Creation
LessonĀ 2 ā€“ Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
LessonĀ 3 ā€“ The Tragedy of Sin and the Triumph of Grace
LessonĀ 4 ā€“ The Rebellion of AncientĀ Civilization
LessonĀ 5 ā€“ The Patriarchs, from Adam to Noah
LessonĀ 6 ā€“ Noah and the Ark
LessonĀ 7 ā€“ The Worldwide Flood
LessonĀ 8 ā€“ Leaving the Ark
LessonĀ 9 ā€“ God’sĀ Covenant with Noah
Lesson 10 ā€“ Ancient Nations and TheirĀ Dispersion
Lesson 11 ā€“ The Tower of Babel
Lesson 12 ā€“ The Call of Abram

Weight 200 g
Dimensions 22 × 14 × 1 cm


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