Discovering Bible Study



Discovering Bible Study (2 Units)






Ken Fleming





5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″





Personal Bible study, like every skill or worthwhile project, requires personal discipline—but it’s worth it! This “hands-on” course teaches you The 7 Question Method as a way to study the Bible.

In the core portion of the course, Ken Fleming applies this method to different types of Bible passages (narrative, poetry, characters, etc.), walking you through the process, and in this way equipping you to learn a skill that will help you to understand God’s Word and apply its truths to your life.



Ken Fleming has been an enthusiastic and passionate Bible teacher for more than fifty years. His service for Christ has led him to many parts of the globe, including South Africa, where he spent twenty-five years as a missionary among the Zulu people. From 1977 through 2002, Ken taught in the Bible and Missions programs at Emmaus Bible College in Dubuque, Iowa. Today he continues proclaiming the gospel and strengthening the church body through writing and preaching ministries.


Chapter 1 Discovering Bible Study


Chapter 2 Discovering Bible Study Basics


Chapter 3 Discovering the Bible Is One Story


Chapter 4 Discovering Bible Narratives

Chapter 5 Discovering Bible Poetry

Chapter 6 Discovering Bible Geography

Chapter 7 Discovering Bible Prophecy

Chapter 8 Discovering Bible Teaching Passages

Chapter 9 Discovering Bible Characters

Chapter 10 Discovering Bible Types

Appendix A: Resources for Bible Study

Appendix B: Passages for Practice