1 Timothy: Timeless Truths for Today’s Church


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1 Timothy: Timeless Truths for Today’s Church



Donald L. Norbie



4 1/2″ x 6 3/4″

As one reads through 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, a contemporary letter, it is obvious that Paul is free and moving about, engaged in evangelizing and strengthening churches. He has recently left Timothy in Ephesus (1 Tim. 1:3) and he has been with Titus in Crete (Tit. 1:5). In his letter he asks Titus to join him in Nicopolis (Tit. 3:12. Paul is happy and busy in the work of God.

As he writes 1 Timothy, Paul realizes that the years are passing and that his life will come to a close soon. He feels that marks of old age and there is always the possibility of persecution and sudden death. He is burdened to leave with Timothy some practical instructions concerning church organization and functioning. He writes that Timothy may know “how one ought to conduct himself in the house hold of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth” (Tim. 3:15 NASB).

It is a very practical book then, dealing with such matters as the role of the Law, the roles of the sexes, church leadership and practical godly living. The Christian today can be profoundly grateful that the Holy Spirit led Paul to pen these words to Timothy, his dear son in the faith and fellow-worker. Churches today desperately need these instructions.


Daniel L. Norbie is a Bible teacher and author now living in Colorado. While attending high school in Tucson,Arizona, he was led to Christ by T.B. Gilbert in 1938 and began to fellowship with the Bible Chapel there.

After spending several years in the Navy during World War II he returned to college. Since 1949, when he received a Master of Arts degree from Wheaton College, he and his wife Marie have been active in Bible teaching and evangelism.



Chapter 1  Introduction

Chapter 2  Outline

Chapter 3  Salutation

Chapter 4  Teach True Doctrine

Chapter 5  False Teaching Abounds

Chapter 6  The Authority for the Gospel

Chapter 7  Encourage Prayer

Chapter 8  The Role of Women

Chapter 9  Overseer Qualifications

Chapter 10  Deacons Qualifications

Chapter 11  The Purpose of Writing

Chapter 12  Apostasy

Chapter 13  Care for Widows

Chapter 14  Respect for Elders

Chapter 15  Respect for Masters

Chapter 16  Be Faithful