Winning & Losing (Joshua, Judges & Ruth)


  • ISBN: 978-0-88873-604-8
  • Page Count: 120
  • Language: Everyday English
  • Format: Paperback
  • Binding: Perfect Binding

In Joshua we find much to encourage the Christian to enjoy his blessings in Christ. Judges shows the failure of man before God. Ruth presents a lovely picture of the gospel.

The Bible is one book containing 66 books. Each of these books is connected with all the rest. You must know something about every book before you can really understand what God says about Himself in the Scripture.

God led His people Israel into the land of Canaan. At first, they won victories but when they sinned their enemies won in the battle. In Joshua, Israel was winning battles most of the time. In Judges, Israel was losing. In Ruth, there was spiritual victory.

Weight 170 g
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 × 0.8 cm


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