The Gospel of John – Part 1 (Chap 1-8)


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The Gospel of John (2 Units)



William MacDonald


5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″

John the apostle was an old man when he wrote his Gospel. It was written years after the other three Gospels of Christ had been put into circulation. Already the church was being plagued by error and attacks upon the Person and work of God’s beloved Son.

For this reason, John concentrates on presenting the miracles and words of Jesus and then interpreting them for his readers. John selects his material so that you “. . . may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31).


For over sixty years, William MacDonald addressed the key issues of Christianity in clear and simple terms. Leaving a promising business career to serve the Lord Jesus, he traveled worldwide, proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ. His more than eighty works are characterized by an economy of words that only comes by a major time investment in God’s Word. Although William MacDonald went to be with the Lord in 2008, his writing ministry continues to instruct and teach thousands of people today.

Here’s What People Are Saying!

“I have really enjoyed the study The Gospel of John. It was eye-opening even to the things that I thought I already knew.”

F. B., Kentucky

“This is my first time in prison and my eyes have been opened to 43 years of sin and waste of life. I will never be the man I was nor do I ever want to return to prison. I must continue my studies and relationship with God. I do not know what my future holds. I am learning to leave it in His hands. My release date is November, 2010. I deeply thank you for the ECS studies. These are tools that are helping to change my life. I enjoyed The Gospel of John. Regardless of which course you send next, I will soak it up like a sponge. Thank you so much for your ministry in my life.”

Paul, Arizona


Chapter 1 The Gospel and How It Begins

Chapter 2 First Impressions

Chapter 3 A Bad Woman and a Good Man

Chapter 4 The Impotent Man

Chapter 5 Bread from Heaven

Chapter 6 Mounting Controversy

Chapter 7 The Good Shepherd

Chapter 8 The Raising of Lazarus