Title: Revelation: The Coming King
Author: R. Harlow,
Language: Everyday English
Format: Paperback
Binding: Perfect Binding
Book Size: 5.5×8.5×0.30
Category: Bible Study Books
Topic: Revelation
Page Count: 144
Publisher: Everyday Publications Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-0-88873-088-6
Item Code: 088
Other Languages: FR, EE, SW,
Every book in the Bible brings glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, none more than the last. It is properly called the Revelation of Jesus Christ. His glory is unveiled in this book which tells of His coming as King to earth in glory. Every chapter mentions God, the Lord, the Lamb of God, or the Lord Jesus Christ.
It could be said that the Revelation completes and fulfills the whole Bible and that much Scripture cannot be properly understood without this book.
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