Old Testament Law and History (2 Units)
This course is devoted to the survey of the Law and History sections of the Bible. It covers the book of Genesis through the book of Esther. You will gain an overview of the book of beginnings, the wilderness wanderings of Israel, their entrance into the land of Canaan, and the period of the Judges and Kings. The period after the captivity in Babylonia is also covered. The author has given many insights that will enable the student to appreciate these rich portions of God’s Word. |
Chapter 1 Introduction to Law and History
Chapter 2 Genesisâthe Patriarchs
Chapter 3 Exodus, LeviticusâRedemption, Law, Worship
Chapter 4 Numbers, DeuteronomyâJourney to Canaan
Chapter 5 JoshuaâConquest of Canaan
Chapter 6 Judges, RuthâCovenant Failure
Chapter 7 1 SamuelâTransition to the Monarchy
Chapter 8 2 Samuel, 1 ChroniclesâThe Life of King David
Chapter 9 1 & 2 Kings
Chapter 10 2 Chronicles, Ezra
Chapter 11 Nehemiah
Chapter 12 Esther