Miracles of our Lord


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The Miracles of Our Lord (3 Units)



Charles C. Ryrie


6″ x 9″

What Can Jesus’ Miracles Teach Us Today?

It lies at the heart of our Christian faiththe profound but simple truth that the same power that can turn water into wine can also breathe life into a long-dead corpse.

These are the miracles of Jesus, evidence that he is the son of God. It is in the gospel accounts of his ministry that we discover his never-failing mastery over the forces of sickness and sin, nature and Satan, life and death.

The facts about each of the 35 recorded miracles of Jesus—complemented by Charles C. Ryrie’s biblical research and personal insights—continue to carry a faith-strengthening message to the Lord’s followers today.

Gold Medallion
Award winner!

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Charles C. Ryrie (A.B., Harverford College; Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh; Litt.D., Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary) is the editor of the popular Ryrie Study Bible and author of many best-selling books includingThe Basis of the Premillennial Faith, The Miracles of Our Lord, and Biblical Theology of the New Testament. Dr. Ryrie has served in numerous professional capacities including President of Philadelphia Biblical University, and Chairman and Professor of Systematic Theology at Dallas Theological Seminary.

Here’s What People Are Saying!

The Miracles of Our Lord is a practical devotional studies on each of Christ’s 35 recorded miracles. Though brief, these studies are based on careful exegesis and contain helpful insights. If you plan to do a series on Christ’s miravles, have this book on hand.

Back to the Bible

Dr. Ryrie, in explining the thirty-fice recorded miravles of Christ, shows us more facets of the Person who performed them. His aim is not only to present the facts about each miravle, but to show what these facts tell us about the Lord.

– Librarians World

This book is an up-market introduction to the 35 miracles attributed to our Lord. It is fast-moving and keeps the reader on his toes as he comes face to face with each graphically portrayed incident. The explanations are ounded and Biblical and genuinely draw the reader’s attention to focus on Christ. Well outline, it would be a proverbial ‘paradise’ for preachers and bible-Class teachers – but, having said that all will profit from persuing its pages. Why not treat yourself to a copy and feel the strings of the Spiritwithin as you realise afresh that He is a God of Miracles!

– Rev. Samuel Gordon



His First Miracle — Turning Water Into Wine at Cana

Take Him at His Word — Healing the Officer’s Son

Omnipotence Confronts Importence — Healing the Ailing Man at the Pool of Bethesda

Successful Service — The Miraculous Catch of Fish

The Authority of Christ — Casting a Demon Out of a Man in Capernaum

Lessons learned at Dinner Time — Healing Peter’s Mother-in-law

Love and Law — Curing A Leper

The Miracle Working Christ both God and Man — Healing the Paralyzed Man Let Down
Through the Roof

Principles for Christian Service — Healing The Man With A Withered Hand

A Good Testimony — Healing The Centurion’s Servant

The Prince of Live in the Presence of Death — Raising The Widow Of Nain’s Son

Pardoning the Unpardonable Sin

Casting a Demon Out of a Deaf and Blind Man

In the Storms of Life

What To Do When the Ship Is Sinking

What Would Happen if Christ Should Appear? — The Demoniacs of Gadara

A Parable of Salvation — Healing the Hemorrhaging Woman Who Touched

His Garment

When they Laughed at a Funeral — Raising Jairus’s Daughter from the Dead

Faith and Folly — Healing Two Blind Men

Stick Out Your Tongue — Healing the Mute Man

The Lord is Faithful — Feeding Five Thousand Men

The All-Sufficient Savior — Christ Walking on The Water

Principles for Prayer — Healing the Syro-phoenician’s Daughter

The Plight of all People — Healing a Deaf Man

Feasting on the Bread of Life — Feeding Four Thousand Men

Growing in Grace — Opening a Blind Man’s Eyes at Bethsaida

The Power of Christ — Curing an Epileptic Boy

To Pay or Not To Pay, That Is the Question — The Coin in the Fish’s Mouth

Confronting the World’s Blindness — Giving Sight to the Man Born Blind

Hypocrisy in Action — A Woman Loosed from Her Infirmity

Inflexibility can be Good or Bad — Healing The Man With Edema

The Lord of Circumstances — Raising Lazarus

The Society of the Thankless Nine — Healing Ten Lepers

The Savior and His Salvation — Giving Sight to Bartimeus and His Friend

Hypocrisy — Withering the Fig Tree

“A Time to Heal” — Healing Malchus’s Ear

The Secret of Revival—The Disciples’ Final Exam — The Miraculous Catch of Fish

Because He Lives