God’s Good News


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God’s Good News



Alfred P. Gibbs


4 1/4″ x 7″

This booklet has been prepared especially for you, with the earnest hope and prayer that you will give it your undivided attention and serious consideration. There are five chapters, so arranged as to present the gospel in its logical sequence. Don’t rush through this booklet, for the subject is of tremendous and vital importance, Grasp thoroughly the subject of chapter one before proceeding to chapter two; and so on, right through the end. Should the reading of this booklet lead you to a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior and the enjoyment of God’s salvation, I shall be pleased to hear from you in care of the publisher.


Alfred P. Gibbs (1890-1967) was a man born to preach. Brought up with his twin brother Edwin in South Africa, both boys early came to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Edwin (1890-1968) stayed on in South Africa to pursue a fruitful evangelistic and Bible teaching work. Alfred studied at Moody Bible Institute in Chicagoand thereafter carried on an itinerant Bible teaching and writing ministry, chiefly in the United States and Canada.

Gibbs published his first book, The Marvelous City of Mansoul in 1926. In all he wrote fourteen books and booklets, including Christian Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, Scriptural Principles of Gathering, andWorship. All his books have intensity like the man who wrote them. He was full of his subject. He also composed poetry and wrote Christian hymns. Gibbs never married, considering himself a eunuch for thekingdom of God. He was a model of the advice he gave, he was a spiritual man and a practical man, and fun to be with besides. For Gibbs, to hold forth the Word of life was a lifetime passion. This is evident in Gibbs’ helpful companion book, Through the Scriptures, which is a workbook of Bible outlines culled from Gibbs’ own preaching.



Chapter 1  The Need for God’s Salvation

Chapter 2  The Provision of God’s Salvation

Chapter 3  The Way of God’s Salvation

Chapter 4  The Assurance of God’s Salvation

Chapter 5  The Results of God’s Salvation