The First Letter to the Corinthians (2 Units)
This study is a verse-by-verse exposition dealing with practical instruction for the local church and individual believer. The subjects discussed include lawsuits among believers, the gift of tongues, women in the church, and marriage and divorce. Paul’s first letter to the believers in Corinth was originally written to answer these questions. Because these problems are still prevalent in society, Paul’s letter remains an important teaching message for us today.
Are denominations Scriptural? For what sins may a person be excommunicated from the church? Is it right for a Christian to go to law against another believer? What should we think about marriage and divorce? What is the place of women in the church? What is the gift of tongues? What will the resurrection body be like?
This study will help you know the answer to these questions. This letter was originally written to answer certain questions that had arisen in the assembly at Corinth. But many of these problems are still with us and will be until the end of the age. ————— For over sixty years, William MacDonald addressed the key issues of Christianity in clear and simple terms. Leaving a promising business career to serve the Lord Jesus, he traveled worldwide, proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ. His more than eighty works are characterized by an economy of words that only comes by a major time investment in God’s Word. Although William MacDonald went to be with the Lord in 2008, his writing ministry continues to instruct and teach thousands of people today. |
Chapter 1 Divisions in the Church (1:1-2:16)
Chapter 2 Don’t Exalt Men (3:1-4:21)
Chapter 3 Moral and Material Wrongs (5:1-6:20)
Chapter 4 The Question of Marriage (7:1-40)
Chapter 5 Christian Liberty (8:1-9:27)
Chapter 6 Where to Draw the Line (10:1-11:1)
Chapter 7 Questions About Women and Worship (11:2-34)
Chapter 8 The Gifts of the Spirit (12:1-20)
Chapter 9 The Proper Exercise of Gift (12:21-13:13)
Chapter 10 Prophecy and Tongues (14:1-40)
Chapter 11 The Resurrection (15:1-58)
Chapter 12 In Conclusion (16:1-24)