No Time to Quit


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No Time to Quit



Della Letkeman


5 1/2″ x 8 1/2″

One of the luxuries of 90-year-olds is looking back over the hills and valleys, the ups and downs of a lifetime. I always shunned the idea of a biography on the principle that the more honor you get in this world, the less in the next. But when Della Letkeman asked about it, I agreed to cooperate fully. I had just made, for my own interest, a 90-year summary of the places where I had lived since birth. I had a pile of 35 diaries which Della researched. She also contacted my family and old friends for pictures of stories. After I know not how many hundreds of hours, we spent three days reading the manuscript orally to correct any minute errors which might have crept in. Finally the computer disc was given to Alma Turnbull for typesetting.

The apparent catastrophe in a life can turn out to be just the first steps to some larger advance. Our prayer is that those who read this book will give God the glory and understand that there is no time to quit.


Della Letkeman and her husband Bill served the Lord as missionaries in Colombia and Ecuador for 13 years. As a commended worker with Everyday Publications for 26 years, Della witnessed the power of God’s Word in transforming lives. Although officially “retired”, she remains active as an author and Editorial Committee coordinator. She now serves with New Life Prison Ministry in Canada. Her latest book is a biography of the Apostle Paul.



Chapter 1  Start of the Race

Chapter 2  Can We Know God?

Chapter 3  Desert Journey

Chapter 4  Feed on My Word

Chapter 5  That All May Hear

Chapter 6  Day One

Chapter 7  Day Two

Chapter 8  Day Three

Chapter 9  Calling all Girls

Chapter 10  Bible School for Boys

Chapter 11  Winning and Losing

Chapter 12  Ask in My Name

Chapter 13  Emmaus Evening Bible School

Chapter 14  Emaus Correspondence Courses

Chatper 15  Emmaus Day School

Chapter 16  Any Fool Can Quit!

Chapter 17  Emmaus in Africa

Chapter 18  Oak Park

Chapter 19  Why Lord?

Chapter 20  What Next?

Chatper 21  Everyday Publications

Chatper 22  Elbow Room

Chatper 23  Computers and Commended Workers

Chatper 24  Never Turn Back

Weight 375 g
Dimensions 23 × 15 × 2 cm