

Original price was: $17.95.Current price is: $14.50.


Pages: 288
Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″
ISBN #: 978-1-59387-232-8
Format: Paperback

In our efforts to successfully live this life we call Christian, we squirm and kick, grunt and push, only to find ourselves right back where we started: stuck in defeat. Do you ever wonder why living for Christ has to be so hard? Does the lack of spiritual power in your life cause you to question whether God exists? Where’s the power from the Spirit we were promised to receive? There’s only one thing opposing the Spirit in our lives and that is the flesh.

Unstuck: Moving Beyond Defeat will expose you to the tactics of the flesh in ways you have never seen it before, so that you can give it the only thing it is good for—a death sentence. Defeat isn’t where it ends; defeat is where real living begins.


Welcome to a walk of dying, where everything seems upside down.

Here’s What People Are Saying

“We’re reading UnStuck together during our ladies Bible study. It has already been such a blessing! Thanks ECS for publishing it.”

–Lacey Nininger, Kansas

“Amy’s new book, Unstuck, provides a personal and realistic discussion of struggle and suffering within a redemptive framework. With the use of story and illustration, Amy weaves a challenging but supportive discussion of pursuing Christ in and through difficulty.”

–Seth L. Scott, MA, NCC, LMHC

“I found your book to have an excellent analysis of the conflict between the flesh and the Spirit. I expect it will prove very beneficial to many believers and am recommending it to everyone. I know some might suspect bias in my recommendation, since I am your brother, but then they wouldn’t know how brutally honest and frank we can be with one another in our family. I do have to claim some credit though: I’m sure I contributed in our younger days to your education in the area of affliction and suffering.”

–Andy Shelor, Virginia

“I loved reading UnStuck . . . and then rereading it!  It both inspired and challenged me.  It is a treasured resource that I will return to often. The way Amy presented the information provided a flow that was logical and easy to follow. The topic of “dying to self” isn’t always the one we want to hear about . . . but Amy’s personal anecdotes made the subject easy to relate to—been there, done that! Most of all, the humility with which Amy presented this subject is so obvious and makes the message very compelling!”

–Laurie Fox, New Brunswick, Canada

“I recently told a friend of mine (that I had given your book to) that maybe she should set UnStuck aside, since she just found out she has breast cancer. I said your book is brutally honest and spiritually challenging and that she probably needs something more comforting for this season of her life. She disagreed and said your book is actually helping her face this challenge.”


Table of Contents

Part 1—Preparing the Flesh for Death
1 – Our Obsession
2 – Deadly Desire
3 – The Opposition
4 – Dead Man Walking
Part 2—Accepting the Tools God Uses
5 – Embracing Weakness
6 – Enduring Weakness
7 – Counterfeit Suffering
8 – Suffering and Justice
9 – Perspectives on Suffering
10 – Getting Down
11 – Turning Around
Part 3—Walking Empowered by the Spirit
12 – Walking in Truth
13 – Walking in Love
14 – Walking with Gifts
15 – Walking in Prayer
Guidelines for Loving Others
Spiritual Gifts Survey
Study Guide
About the Author

About the Author
Amy Hernandez enjoys a delicious cup of quality coffee—just make sure it’s dark roast and freshly ground. But even more than hot coffee, Amy cherishes investing her life, time, and energy into other people, helping them treasure a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

While attending Emmaus Bible College in the 1980s (where she met her husband Joel), Amy recognized the need for Christians to serve whole-heartedly wherever the Lord led. With their yearning to proclaim Christ, the Lord led Joel and Amy to serve in California, Texas, and then eventually in Guanajuato, Mexico—where they helped teach and encourage believers and churches for eight years. In 2007, Joel, Amy, and their daughter Sarah, returned to the United States. Joel leads the Intercultural Studies Department at Emmaus Bible College in Dubuque, Iowa.

By being honest and exposing her struggles with the flesh, Amy has helped others let down their own masks. She has discovered that behind the perfect veneer reserved for public viewing, we all share similar stories of defeat—and desire to move beyond that defeat to obtain growth and victory.

Amy is passionate about speaking truth into the lives of younger women. This sometimes takes the form of one-on-one guidance. Other times, Amy helps lead Bible studies for groups of women in the church. Above all, Amy cherishes her favorite book—the Bible. She is eternally grateful for God’s Word which is able to cut through even the toughest, most stubborn heart out there (including her own), and provide practical teaching, instruction, and hope for any who would turn and call on Jesus Christ.

Weight 335 g
Dimensions 21.6 × 14 × 1.5 cm