The Holy Spirit at Work (1 Unit)
There are two extreme attitudes today regarding the subject of the Holy Spirit. One of those disregards Him almost entirely, substituting a religious ritual or an ecclesiastical machine that functions regardless of any spiritual power. The other attitude places an unwarranted stress on the operation of the Holy Spirit at the expense of the written Word of God and true Christian sobriety. One extreme expressed itself in frigid formalism, the other in fervent fanaticism.
In this course, the Bible is studied to present the truth concerning the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter whom the Father has sent to dwell with us and to be in us (John 14:16). |
Chapter 1 The Personhood of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 2 The Deity of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 3 The Spirit’s Work Through the Ages
Chapter 4 Similes and Symbols of the Spirit
Chapter 5 The Spirit’s Work with Sinners
Chapter 6 Anointed and Sealed by the Spirit
Chapter 7 The Guarantee and the Witness of the Spirit
Chapter 8 Prayer and Worship in the Spirit
Chapter 9 The Baptism and Filling of the Spirit
Chapter 10 The Spirit and the Book of Acts
Chapter 11 Hindrances to the Spirit’s Workings
Chapter 12 The Holy Spirit’s Power