Follow-Up Guide for New Christians
Follow-up means helping someone who has made a profession of faith in Christ to get started. It is very important in firmly establishing a new believer in the faith. Good follow-up conserves the fruit of an evangelistic contact by helpful assistance to the newly regenerated person. It may also reveal a premature or false profession which needs to be converted into a true relationship with Christ. The responsible follow-up helper needs to be a friend and encourager, not just someone who checks up on answers. The lessons are merely tools to use. Quality work by the helper is the most important factor. The outcome of the follow-up will depend more on the convert’s desire toward God than on yours. Keep this responsibility where it belongs. Do your best but do not assume the burden of their success or failure. ————— O. J. Gibson was for years a close co-worker with Bill MacDonald. He was a premiere personal evangelist and a mentor to missionaries and assembly elders. Mr. Gibson went to be with the Lord in May 2006. |
Lesson 1 Becoming a Child of God
Lesson 2 Assurance of Salvation
Lesson 3 Baptism
Lesson 4 Spending Time With God
Lesson 5 Learning to Pray
Lesson 6 Living the Christian Life Victoriously
Lesson 7 Fellowship With God
Lesson 8 Obeying Your Lord
Lesson 9 Your Spiritual Family, the Local Church
Lesson 10 Sharing with Others the Way of Eternal Life
Lesson 11 Controlled by the Holy Spirit
Lesson 12 Doing the Will of God