2 Corintios (2 Corinthians) (1 Unit)
Paul’s earlier letter to the Corinthians produced the desired effect. For example, the immoral brother was expelled from the fellowship of the assembly and showed deep repentance.
In this letter, Paul reveals his anxiety while awaiting a report from Titus concerning developments at Corinth. In the meantime, Paul experiences some of his darkest hours. Trouble appeared on every side. ‘Without were fightings; within were fears.’ Paul’s detractors made a threefold assault upon him; they attacked his person, his teaching, and his character.
In the midst of all his troubles, Paul discovers not only that the ‘Father of mercies’ was the ‘God of all comfort’, but also that he could prove the all-sufficiency of God’s grace in his life.
This study will help us to learn that blessing can come out of buffetings. Paul’s earlier letter to the Corinthians produced the desired effect. For example, the immoral brother was expelled from the fellowship of the assembly and showed deep repentance.
In this letter, Paul reveals his anxiety while awaiting a report from Titus concerning developments at Corinth. In the meantime, Paul experiences some of his darkest hours. Trouble appeared on every side. ‘Without were fightings; within were fears.’ Paul’s detractors made a threefold assault upon him; they attacked his person, his teaching, and his character.
In the midst of all his troubles, Paul discovers not only that the ‘Father of mercies’ was the ‘God of all comfort’, but also that he could prove the all-sufficiency of God’s grace in his life.
This study will help us to learn that blessing can come out of buffetings.
Esta segunda carta de Pablo a los creyentes corintios nos da un vistazo más personal a Pablo que cualquiera de sus otras cartas. Esta carta describe el ministerio de Pablo, su defensa de su apostolado y su preocupación por los creyentes en Corinto. La carta anterior de Pablo a los corintios produjo el efecto deseado. Por ejemplo, el hermano inmoral fue expulsado de la comunión de la asamblea y mostró un arrepentimiento profundo. En esta carta, Pablo revela su ansiedad mientras esperaba un reportaje de Tito sobre la situación en Corinto. Mientras tanto, Pablo experimenta algunas de sus horas más oscuras. Problemas le rodeaban. Los detractores de Pablo le asaltaron en tres maneras; atacaron a su persona, su enseñanza y su carácter. En medio de todos sus problemas, Pablo descubre no tan sólo que el “Padre de misericordias” era el “Dios de todo confortamiento”, pero también que él podía probar la suficiencia de la gracia de Dios en su vida. Este estudio nos ayudará a aprender que las bofetadas pueden producir bendición. |
Chapter 1 La ayuda de Dios en las aflicciones (1:1:14)
Chapter 2 Pablo cambia sus planes (1:15-2:17)
Chapter 3 El antiguo pacto y el nuevo (3:1-18)
Chapter 4 Tesoro espiritual en vasos de barro (4:1-18)
Chapter 5 Un hogar eterno y celestial (5:1-19)
Chapter 6 El servicio y los sufrimientos de Pablo(5:20-6:18)
Chapter 7 Tito trae buenas noticias (7:1-16)
Chapter 8 La ofrenda cristiana (8:1-24)
Chapter 9 Dios bendice al dador generoso (9:1-10:12)
Chpater 10 Pablo defiende su ministerio (10:13-11:20)
Chapter 11 La vangloria de Pablo (11:21-12:10)
Chapter 12 Pruebas del apostolado de Pablo (12:11-13:14)