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Diploma in Biblical Studies
To be awarded the Diploma in Biblical Studies the student must complete at least 144 units of course study, attaining at least 70 % in each course:
Stage I The Associate Diploma in Biblical Studies
Stage II A further 72 units of course study, for a total of 144 units as follows.
A. Overview of the Diploma in Biblical Studies Curriculum (Stage II)
The Diploma program is comprised of a number of Series which are mandatory for all diploma students. Students must successfully complete all courses with a grade of at least 70% in order to be awarded the Diploma.
Courses marked with * are mandatory courses. You may elect from the rest of the courses to make up the balance of 144 units.
B. Details of the Curriculum
Series | Course Title | Unit(s) |
Christian Living Series (102) | Plant My Feet on Higher Ground* | 2 |
God’s Blueprint for Your Marriage* | 2 | |
Biblical Stewardship* | 2 | |
The Believer’s Battle with Temptation* | 2 | |
Forgiving & Being Forgiven* | 2 | |
The Three Marys | 1 | |
The Woman Who Pleases God | 1 | |
Jerusalem’s Gates | 1 | |
Old Testament Series (102) | Joshua: the conquest of Canaan* | 3 |
Judges | 2 | |
Kings of Judah | 3 | |
Kings of Israel | 3 | |
Ecclesiastes My God and I (Selected Psalms) | 2 2 | |
New Testament Series (102) | Gospel of Matthew* | 2 |
Gospel of John* | 2 | |
Romans | 2 | |
1 Corinthians* | 2 | |
Galatians* | 2 | |
Philippians, Colossians, Philemon* | 2 | |
1 & 2 Thessalonians | 2 | |
1 Peter | 2 | |
Doctrine Series (102) | Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth* | 2 |
The Holy Spirit at Work | 1 | |
Miracles of Our Lord | 3 | |
Study to Show Yourself Approved | 4 | |
Ready to Give an Answer* | 3 | |
Discovering Bible Study | 2 | |
Biblical Eldership | 2 | |
Christian Living Series (103) | Living Sacrifice | 1 |
The Shepherd Leader at Home* | 3 | |
Overcoming Abuse What If Jesus meant What He said? (reading, no exam) | 2 | |
Old Testament Series (103) | Genesis: from creation to a nation | 4 |
Daniel | 3 | |
Minor Prophets Isaiah – Part 1 & Part 2 Jeremiah – Part 1 & Part 2 Ezekiel – Part 1 & Part 2 | 3 4 4 4 | |
New Testament Series (103) | John the Baptist | 1 |
2 Corinthians | 1 | |
Hebrews* | 3 | |
2 Peter & Jude | 2 | |
Doctrine Series (103) | Revelation* God’s Mandate for Missions | 1 3 |