04) Bible Survey Certificate

04) Bible Survey Certificate

This certificate is issued upon successful completion (i.e. achieving at least 70% ) of all the following courses:

Journey Through the Bible
Old Testament Law and History
Old Testament Poetry and Prophecy
New Testament Survey
Summary of the Bible
Bible Prophecy

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03) Foundation Series Certificate

03) Foundation Series Certificate

This certificate is issued upon successful completion (i.e. achieving at least 70% ) of all the following courses:

The Bible “What’s in it for You”
What the Bible Teaches
The Bible Speaks
The Coming King (Gospel of Matthew)
The Servant of God (Gospel of Mark)
Savior of the World (Gospel of Luke)
The Source of Life (Gospel of John)
Good News for All (Romans)

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02) Salvation Series Certificate

02) Salvation Series Certificate

This certificate is issued upon successful completion (i.e. achieving at least 70% ) of all the following courses:

The Greatest Man Alive
Men Who Met the King
What Is Christianity?
You Can Live Forever
One God, One Way
God Is There
Can We Know God?
The Story of the King
The God Who Speaks to Man

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01) Children’s Certificate

01) Children’s Certificate

This certificate is issued upon successful completion (i.e. achieving at least 70% ) of all the following courses:

Golden Keys
Remember The Creator
The Bible Tells Me So
Tell Me the Story of Jesus
Things Jesus Said and Did
The Christian Life

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